Sunday, April 27, 2014

State Funding to Public Rural Schools

Here is my finished product. I was hoping to have time to add animation to the mouths and do better but due to time and other finals I was unable to do all I want. I have added some zoom features with audio.I never realized how hard it was to draw freehand with the mouse on your laptop until I did this product.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Final Draft

I only have three scenes done so far, I have the other ones ready to put together,so hopefully I can get them done tomorrow. I also am hoping to be able to make the speakers mouth move and do some tweaking before the final is due.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Final Update

I'm sorry I have not gotten very far this week. I was hoping with being on vacation I could just about finish this project but between having a cold,vertigo attack, tranny going in my avalanche and the worst part of the week,  having to put my 14 year old Cocker Spaniel to sleep, I was unable to do much.I will be working hard to finish the next 2 scenes done and all the animation done.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Design Competition (Part 2)

Here is my design for the Reggae Poster Contest. I used several smoke brushes to do the green,yellow and red. I drew a outline around the graffiti lettering and made the photos black and white in Photoshop and used the poster edge in Illustrator to change the photos to more of a sketch image.

Reggae Poster Contest

I decided because this is a tribute to Reggae Hall of Famers, I would research some of the famous artist and include them in my my poster. I am going to use black and white photos and lower the opacity down. I am going to add the bright green, yellow and red coloring along with Reggae in graffiti lettering.   

Module 5 Flash Project Update

I have designed a few of my scenes. I have made a wav. file for my little girls voice and have to figure out how to add it. I also have my music file made to add in. I am moving along pretty good now just have a few things to learn still. I also so have to talk my husband into doing the man's voice. I tried but do not make a good man!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Part 2 of Animation

I am trying to make a actual cartoon animation for  EAP  in public schools. I have not gotten real far with my animation due to having to keep watching videos on how to do it. I have added preloaders and vcams to help with my video. I have done a storyboard drawing to show how my frames will work and started to work on cartooning my backgrounds. Some avatars
  I have designed to use.