Wednesday, September 25, 2013


                                         This is a tribute to my father.

You may think I am crazy with this design but maybe if I explain you will understand. This week is the seventh anniversary of my father’s passing, so my poster has to do with that. My band name is FREE Soul representing the soul leaving the body, as do the butterflies. The word free is written upward due to the soul rising up. My father always gave my mother yellow roses because they were her favorite. I put the hands of god into the sky as a welcoming to heaven. I also added the sun ray to enhance the yellow rose as if god is blessing it. I used some gray scale to give the feel of sadness and some color for all the great memories.

In this poster I was able to use several techniques that we have learned. I changed the color of the rose to yellow, cropped the butterflies and rose. I used the dragging, dropping, resize, different layers, sunrays and much, much more.

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